Benjamin Rathbun

Benjamin Rathbun, 53, has been around the block on his Harley-Davison…a few times. Starting out as a Youth Pastor in the early 90s with an antique but cool ride (a 1973 Honda CBR450), he moved on to a Yamaha XJR1200 when he moved to Michigan to be a lead pastor for 15 years.

Life took a turn in 2015, when after a divorce, he bought a blacked-out Honda X4, became a fitness model, and later the director of a lupus charity. A few years later, he met the love of his life…online. Because she was from Peru, didn’t speak much English, and wouldn’t video-chat with him, Benjamin wasn’t sure if she was legit. So he did what anyone would do: he joined season 5 of "Before the 90 Days: 90 Day Fiance" to find out in front of millions of viewers.

His Harley-Davison was featured in episode 7 as he tightened the passenger seat and with brake grease on his face, spoke of his love for Mahogany, his 24-year-old love interest.

Since then, life has taken more twists and turns than a hairpin mountain loop. He moved on from his directorship in Michigan and settled in North Carolina taking the love of his high-speed hobby with him. Now you can see him roaring up the Outer-Banks Coastline on his Harley with one of his four kids on the back. And as for Mahogany? You’ll have to wait for the next TLC show to air to find out. But for now, he’s diving head first into all things motorcycles and contributing his experience and knowledge of bikes he’s gained over the years for your benefit.

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